University representatives collaborate with the international community


University representatives collaborate with the international community

Jakarta (ANTARA) – A number of representatives from Indonesian universities together with several international organizations held a collaborative event titled “Indonesian Universities Community Development Event and Collaboration Sharing Session” at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth, Australia, discussing broader community development and collaboration opportunities.

The event on Monday (2/7) brought together eight representatives from five renowned Indonesian universities, including Ahmad Dahlan University Yogyakarta, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Jember University, UPN Veteran East Java and UIN Walisongo Semarang with a number of leading organizations in Perth, according to a press release from the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) in Perth obtained by ANTARA, Jakarta on Tuesday.

These representatives are here with the mission of strengthening networks and sharing experiences in community development.

The event was also attended by several key Perth organisations who have played a role in supporting this initiative, including ACICIS Perth, UWA Global Engagement, IDN-United, AIPSSA and LPDP Perth.

It is hoped that the presence of these representatives will open up more productive and mutually beneficial avenues of collaboration.

Read also: Indonesian Consulate General in Perth Organizes Arts and Culture Promotion Week “Jalan-Jalan Indonesia”

The main agenda of the session included discussions on community development and the potential for collaboration between universities and organizations.

Through this session, Indonesia hopes that delegates can share experiences and best practices of community empowerment that have been implemented in their respective campuses.

The event was not only considered an academic meeting but also a genuine effort to strengthen bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia in the fields of education and community development.

This activity is also an opportunity for delegates to showcase each institution’s superior programs, which should attract the interest and support of international donors such as DFID Australia, the Ministry of Religion or the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture.

The proposed programs include strengthening human resources capacity, joint research on sustainability, circular economy, and science and technology development.

In the long term, it is hoped that this event will become the basis for closer and more sustainable cooperation between educational institutions in Indonesia and Australia, as well as making a significant contribution to the development of a better community.

Read also: Indonesian Consulate General in Perth expressed appreciation for Indonesian language students in Australia

Journalist: Katrinaa
Publisher: Bayu Prasetyo
Copyright © ANTARA 2024

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